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2023-02-09  访问次数:107


10月23日周五,中加班中美班全体高二年级同学在通用技术段俊松教师的率领下,到贵安新区高新技术科技园区参观,同学们感触良多。    进入园区,大家在负责教师的率领下参观了激光雕刻技术,大家惊叹现代科技的精准与效率之高。大家发现园区不像是一间工厂,更像是一间技术交换的咖啡厅,具有真正高科技感的格局。    之后,负责教师率领学生参观了各种高科技技术,如如今普及的3D打印技术,虹纹扫描技术,激光切割,激光焊接,玻璃激光3D雕刻,多功能黑板等,大家可以实际进入工作车间参观作业过程,并且在程序员教师的讲解教学下,大家实际操作了一次3D打印拿到了本身的作品,每一件作品都是一件含有心血的艺术品。同学们在非常愉悦的表情里完毕了这次参观,同时大家也为我省现代高科技的开展感到欣慰与骄傲。

The development of science makes the society better We Grade 11 students of Sino-Canadianand Sino-American program went to visit the Guian Hi-Tech Zone under theguidance of Mr.Duan, the General Technique teacher. All classmates wereexcited.

At the beginning, students visited thetechnology of laser engraving. All were amazed at the speed of the developmentof science. Classmates thought the zone is more a cafe for exchangingtechnology than a factory, and everything seemed to be of high-tech.

Then, the teacher led us to visit many advancedequipment such as 3D printer, iris scanner, laser cutting, laser welding, 3Dlaser engraving, smart board, etc. We could even get into the workshop to watchthem work.And the programmer teachertaught us how to make 3D stuff, and much to our excitement, we actuallyoperated by ourselves. Every piece was an artwork to us.

We finished this scientific trip joyfully,at the same time, we were proud of the development of the scientificdevelopment of our province.





图文:2017届32班   张意青